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Comprehensive Rehabilitation Therapy in Lakewood

Bethany Nursing and Rehab has a wide range of rehabilitation services that cater to the diverse needs of our residents.

We offer physical, occupational, and speech therapy to help our residents regain their independence and improve their quality of life, physical function while reducing pain, reduce risk of falls, enhance their mental health, and many more.

We can also assist your loved one recover after their surgery through our post-operative rehabilitation that includes total joint replacement, amputation, post fracture care, open heart surgery, and reconditioning or strengthening.

Physical Therapy

Therapeutic and manual exercises to help you move and function better

Physical Therapy plays a vital role in the recovery process after surgeries, accidents, or medical procedures. It is instrumental in helping our patients regain independence, perform daily activities, and achieve their optimal physical health. Additionally, our physical therapists provide education on self-care techniques, injury prevention, and long-term management of chronic conditions.

This treatment includes:

  • Balance Training
  • Fall Prevention
  • Pre-Surgery Conditioning
  • Post-Orthopedic Care
  • And more

Speech Therapy

Assessment and treatment of communication problems and speech disorders

At Bethany Nursing and Rehab, our speech therapy addresses a wide range of communication challenges, including speech and language disorders, fluency issues, voice concerns, and swallowing difficulties. Our therapists work to enhance articulation, language comprehension, and effective social communication, facilitating patients’ expression of thoughts and emotions.

This treatment includes:

  • Language Therapy
  • Voice Therapy
  • Swallowing Therapy
  • Communication Devices
  • And many more

Occupational Therapy

Enhance an individual’s capacity to adapt and participate in meaningful daily activities

The ultimate aim of occupational therapy is to empower each resident to lead fulfilling lives by enabling them to perform everyday tasks more effectively and with greater satisfaction. This therapy develops or regain physical and cognitive skills necessary for tasks such as dressing, eating, home management, emotional and mental health aspects, aiding in stress management and coping strategies.

This treatment includes:

  • Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Training
  • Adaptive Equipment Assessment and Training
  • Fine Motor Skills Training
  • Cognitive Training
  • And many more

Take Your First Step Toward
Expert Care Today

At Bethany Nursing and Rehab, your well-being is our top priority, and we’re here to support you every step of the way on your journey to better health and happiness.